Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

opinion on of how we deal foreign visitors busy? (Minggu 3) "23210895"

Name               Khoirunnissa FH

NPM               23210895

Class                3eb03

A foreign visitor has only one day to spend in your country where should this visitor go on that day? why? use specific reasons and examples to support your choice

My Answer

Foreign visitor has only one day to spend in our country. us as a good tour guide will bring foreign visitors to the nearby tourist attractions.


Foreign visitors were in the area of ​​Jakarta as a good tour guide I will bring foreign visitors to the Old Town area, located region of the north Jakarta. moreover, the Old City is famous among foreign visitors.

The old town is one of the well known history, the location of the old town which is not too far from the Old Town City Station make very effective for foreign visitor has only one day visit in our country. accessibility of the cost and time of make the old city one of the best references is not only foreign visitors but many local visitors enjoyed a tour of history.

Introduce the history that exist in Indonesia is quite right for us to introduce to foreign visitors about the the history that is in our country. because our country is a country that is inseparable from the history

The old city tour that we offer to foreign visitors also have many choices of which type to Fatahillah Museum, the Museum of Bank Indonesia, Bank Mandiri Museum, Ceramic Museum, Puppet Museum, Sunda Kelapa port and there is still much we can visit.

Give the best impression to foreign visitors that we guided will give a good impression for our country famous for its hospitality community.

Tour of the old town is the best choice for foreign visitors who want to save time and money. tour that offers the beauty of the sights and learning about the history of Indonesia.

Opinion on whether use computer have made life easier and convenient or more complex and stressful (Minggu 2) "23210895"

Name           Khoirunnissa FH

NPM            23210895

Class            3eb03


some people say that computer have made life easier and convenient. other people say that computer have made life more complex and stressful

My Answer:

I agree that computers have made life easier and more convenient, especially in the field of communication and search data or information. computer will be more useful if the use is adapted to our needs if it is adapted to our needs or are too excessive computer use will also make our lives we can be complex and stress. 

In Wikipedia site definition of  Computers are tools used to process data in accordance with procedures that have been formulated. The word computer was originally used to describe people who work perform arithmetic calculations, with or without the tools, but the meaning of the word is then transferred to the machine itself. Origins, processing information almost exclusively related to arithmetical problems, but modern computers are used for many tasks unrelated to mathematics.

First computer used only to describe people who work perform arithmetic calculations but current the computer is able to be used by various groups, both for parents, younger and even elementary school students are able to use a computer. they use it to facilitate communication and complete the task pertaining to data and information.

Computer makes life easier, helps me to search information for the task and I also use the computer as media to social in because of I tipekal people who tends to be passive in communication directly. I use computer as a medium of communication in the socialization, much less now it has available a variety of social media like facebook, twitter which its use can be through a computer.

Computers will make life complex and stressful if we can not manage our time with it. so use the computer matches the needs of the life easier and convenient.

Opinion on grade encourage student to learn (Minggu 1) "23210895"

Name           Khoirunnissa FH

NPM            23210895

Class            3eb03


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? grades (marks) encourage student to learn. Use the specific reason and exampel to support your opinion.

My Answer:

I agree that the value is very supportive to learning, Getting a good grade is a dream for all students, feeling happy and proud to be the embodiment of them to describe how much they have struggled to get a satisfactory result. Basicly, the value is something that is valuable, quality, show quality, and useful for everyone.

Getting a good grade must be done with an honest, because a good grade of the results of our hard work by studying hard will give excellent results different from the results if we getting a good grade by doing the cheating

I included one student who was very happy if getting a good grade, because a good grade encouragement will make me to continue to learn and trying maintain the value that I can and make me more focused to reach my goal.

A good grade will be can with encouragement from the people around me, without exception my parents, my brothers. The good environment will form a high spirit of learning. I learned not only in school, I also learned at home and the results that I would get not only the value of but also a knowledge

Parents will be very proud if their child getting a good grade as a child makes parents happy is the most glorious. not least a child will study hard to getting a good grade for their parents happy and even parents will provide what want their child if their child getting a good grade. do not deny that a good grade makes the students a passion for learning.

Now I have learned at university within the college the value of which I can be in the  GPA results spur me to continue to learn because in the world of work GPA of a benchmark within the company to made a our employees in companies that they lead